Thursday, October 31, 2019

Collaborative design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Collaborative design - Essay Example The intention of the current project is to revisit the strengths and capacities of XNL-enable X3D standard for the capture of engineering information, particularly those dealing with design. These include the structure of the product, the bill of materials, and the encoding and categorization of the product. The term CAD means Computer-Aided Design .CAD software is used for drawing tools basically to explain the geometries which are used by the manufacturing portion, i.e. the CAM part of the program. It explains the path that helps directing the motion of a machine tool, to the machine in the exact shape drawn. A product is usually physical; nevertheless, it can also be metaphysical. It may serve as a strong determinant as far as our positioning in the world is concerned. This can pilot us to be at an angle toward a social milieu in product design (Slack 2006). Design is a form of expression which serves as the avenue whereby desires of the customer or the market are made into a product that aims to satisfy these desires. Such product hence generates revenue. A cleverly designed and marketed product brings a company or designer to an iconic status. Thus, a wise investment in design results to a generous return on investment. In addition, it can also offer a unique stance in a highly competitive world (Slack 2006). The compass of design is substantial, covering graphic communications to integrated systems and then from information technology to urban environments. While globally it is described as the formation and development of all man-made products; it is fundamentally perceived as a device for improving the quality of life (Taschen 2001). Designers are not futurologists; however, they have to be in line with clearly identifying the relationships of the past, present and future as well as the prospective effects of political, social, and emotional impacts of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evolution of the Nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Evolution of the Nation - Essay Example The New International Encyclopedia, Dodd,Mead and Company-New York. Copyright: 1902-1905 21 Volumes.] The causes are many. Firstly, the Railway Transportation hit rock bottom and locomotive transportation came to a stand-still. Secondly, fires engulfed a number of cities and people suffered immensely. In fact, many buildings were razed to the ground. Thirdly, the Coinage Act of 1783 brought about a huge change in the silver prices. Gold and Silver could no longer be mined. This not only affected the internal economy, but foreign relations as well. Debts of farmers increased and this affected the lower middle class. The Army Cavalry had to fight the Apaches and there was a huge emergency, when they were required to pull the wagons by hand. This had a big impact as well. In addition to this, the immense growth of the Railways saw most of the financial resources channelized to the sector, leaving the economy in the dumps. Big banks like Jay Cooke and Co. had invested majorly in the railways and couldn't meet the bonds they were supposed to clear. Besides all of this, the fiscal policies of the then President and the other entrepreneurs made things worse. So much so, that Jay Cooke and Co. went bankrupt. All these causes led to the Economic Depression of 1873, which not only affected the internal and external affairs of the United States. b. What caused the rise of American industry Initially, the American factories were run by using hydel power from the fast flowing rivers in Northern America. However, after the Civil War, rail links were laid between Southern and Northern America. Then, industrialisation, which was catching up in the rest of the world, took over the United States. This happened because of steam-powered manufacturing in factories, which succeeded water-powered factories. When the fast-flowing rivers were situated in Northern America, factories were located in the region. However, since steam-power was universal, the factories began to sprout everywhere, leading to industrialisation. Then, the first cotton industry came up, followed by wool processing. Mills came up everywhere and this initiated the first phase of industrialisation in America. Since Britain and the rest of the developed world were taking to industrialisation, America couldn't stay far behind and thus, industrialisation was brought about in the U.S, leading to the agricultural sector taking a backseat. c. What impacts did big business have on society, economics, and politics The Age of Industrialisation paved way for the establishment of big industrial houses. These houses grew by leaps and bounds and became establishments that help immense power and contributed immensely to the economy of America. These

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance of breast milk as a mode of passive immunisation in babies

Importance of breast milk as a mode of passive immunisation in babies Importance of breast milk as a mode of passive immunization in babies Content 01) Introduction 02) Composition of breast milk 03) Passive Immunization 4. Components in breast milk which contribute to the passive immunization in babies 4.1) Anti-infective 2) Ant allergic 3) Anti-inflammatory 4) Drugs 05) Conclusion Introduction Breastfeeding provides unsurpassed natural nutrition to the newborn and infant. Human breast milk also contains numerous protective factors against infectious disease and may influence immune system development.If immune system development is significantly improved with the introduction of components of breast milk, then prematurely discontinued breastfeeding may facilitate pathogenesis of many chronic diseases later in life (e.g., autoimmune disorders) In addition to being the best source of nutrition for newborns and infants, human breast milk also provides immunologic protection against many infectionsAlthough most of the immunologic benefit cited by researchers relates to protection from diarrheal diseases that are especially prevalent in developing countries(2,3) breastfeeding has also been shown to protect infants against extra intestinal infections, such as otitis media(4,6)and respiratory diseases.(7,10) Breast-feeding maintains the maternal-fetal immunological link after birth, may favor the transmission of immune competence from the mother to her infant, and is considered an important contributory factor to the neonatal immune defense system during a delicate and crucial period for immune development. The protection from infections may be ensured either passively by factors with anti-infective, hormonal, enzymatic, trophic, and bioactive activity present in breast milk, or through a modulator effect on the neonatal immune system exerted by cells, cytokines, and other immune agents in human milk. This essay will show how these factors of breast milk affect the passive immune system in babies. Composition of Breast milk Breast milk has all the necessary nutrients for infant in correct proportions  including macro and micronutrients. The first fluid produced by mothers after delivery is colostrum, which is distinct in volume, appearance and composition. Colostrum, produced in low quantities in the first few days postpartum, is rich in immunologic components such as secretory IgA, lactoferrin,leukocytes, as well as developmental factors such as epidermal growth factor (4).Colostrumalso contains relatively low concentrations of lactose, indicating its primary functions to beimmunologic and trophic rather than nutritional. Levels of sodium, chloride and magnesiumare higher and levels of potassium and calcium are lower in colostrum than later milk.(1) The nutritional components of human milk derive from three sources: Some of the nutrientsof milk originate by synthesis in the lactocyte, some are dietary in origin, and some originatefrom maternal stores. Overall, the nutritional quality of human milk is highly conserved, butattention to maternal diet is important for some vitamins and the fatty acid composition ofhuman milk.(4) The macronutrient composition of human milk varies within mothers and across lactationbut is remarkably conserved across populations despite variations in maternal nutritional Status (13).The mean macronutrient composition of mature, term milk isestimated to be approximately 0.9 to 1.2 g/dL for protein, 3.2 to 3.6 g/dL for fat, and 6.7 to7.8 g/dL for lactose. Energy estimates range from 65 to 70 kcal/dL, and are highly correlatedwith the fat content of human milk. Macronutrient composition differs between preterm andterm milk, with preterm milk tending to be higher in protein and fat. A study inDavis, California examined the association between maternal characteristics and the composition of human milk macronutrients(4) and found that after 4 months postpartum, themacronutrient concentrations of human milk are associated with one or more of thefollowing factors: Maternal body weight for height, protein intake, parity, return ofmenstruation, and nursing frequency. This study also found that mothers who producehigher quantities of milk tend to have lower milk concentrations of fat and protein but higherconcentrations of lactose. The proteins of human milk are divided into the whey and casein fractions or complexes,with each comprised by a remarkable array of specific proteins and peptides(4,1).The mostabundant proteins are casein, ÃŽ ±-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, secretory immunoglobulin IgA,lysozyme, and serum albumin.(14) Non-protein nitrogen-containing compounds, includingurea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, amino acids, and nucleotides, comprise ~25% of humanmilk nitrogen. Human milk protein concentration is not affected by maternal diet, but increases with maternal bodyweight for height, and decreases in mothers producing higher amounts of milk.10 Human milk fat is characterized by high contents of palmitic and oleic acids, the formerheavily concentrated in the 2-position and the latter in the 1- and 3-positions of thetriglycerides. Fat is the most highly variable macronutrient of milk. Hind milk, defined as thelast milk of a feed, may contain two to three times the concentration of milk fat found inforemilk, defined as the initial milk of a feed. The principal sugar of human milk is the disaccharide lactose. The concentration of lactosein human milk is the least variable of the macronutrients, but higher concentrations oflactose are found in the milk of mothers producing higher quantities of milk. (10) The other significant carbohydrates of human milk are the oligosaccharides, which compriseapproximately 1 g/dL in human milk, depending on stage of lactation and maternal geneticfactors. (1) Human milk provides the normative standard for infant nutrition. Nevertheless, manymicronutrients vary in human milk depending on maternal diet and body stores , including vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D,and iodine.(1) Vitamin K is extremely low inhuman milk and thus, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an injection of thisvitamin to avoid hemorrhagic disease of the newborn(4).Vitamin D also occurs in lowquantity in human milk, particularly with low maternal exposure to sunshine, a circumstancenow common in populations worldwide Human milk contains numerous growth factors that have wide-ranging effects on theintestinal tract, vasculature, nervous system, and endocrine system. Intestinal maturation and repair: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) Found in amniotic fluid and breast milk, (1, 4) EGF is critical to the maturation andhealing of the intestinal mucosa EGF is highest in early milk anddecreases over lactation.45,46 The average EGF level in colostrum is 2000-fold higher and inmature milk is 100-fold higher than in maternal serum.41 Further, preterm milk containshigher levels of EGF than term milk.(4) Growth and development of the enteral nervous system: Neuronal growth factors (GDNF) In human cells, breast milk-derived GDNF increases neuron survival and outgrowth.51 Tissue growth: The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) superfamily IGF-I and IGF-II, as well as IGF binding proteins and IGF-specific proteases, are found inhuman milk.(1, 4)Levels are highest in colostrum, and steadily decline over the course oflactation.(1,4). Enteraladministration of physiological levels of IGF-I stimulates erythropoiesis and increaseshematocrit.(1) Regulation of the vascular system: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) Angiogenesis is regulated primarily by the relative expression of VEGF and its antagonists. VEGF concentration is highest in colostrum in both preterm and term human milk, withpreterm milk containing less VEGF than term milk.(4) Intestinal development and prevention of anemia: Erythropoietin (Epo) Milk contains significant quantities of Epo, which is the primary hormone responsible forincreasing red blood cells (RBC). Blood loss, intestinal pathology, and immaturity of thehematopoietic system all contribute to anemia of prematurity, which profoundly impactsgrowth and development. (4,1) Growth-regulating hormones: Calcitonin and Somatostatin Calcitonin and its precursor procalcitonin are present in large quantities in milk.(4) Somatostatin is rapidly degraded in the jejunum and not transferred through theintestinal wall, but delivery with milk protects it from degradation and maintains bioactivity within the lumen (1, 4). Passive Immunization the ability of an organism to resist disease, either through the activities of specialized blood cells or antibodies produced by them in response to natural exposure or inoculation (active immunity) or by the injection of antiserum or the transfer of antibodies from a mother to her baby via the placenta or breast milk (passive immunity)(7,8,10) Passive immunization can be categorized as Natural and Artificial. Artificially prepared antibodies are introduced in congenital or acquired immunodeficiency,4,7where as naturally occurring passive immunity transfer of maternal antibody –mediated immunity through placenta or breast milk(3,4,7). Mother’s previous exposure to antigens is directly proportional to the amount of antibodies present in the milk9. Although antibodies are proteins, they do not breakdown into peptides by the proteolytic activity of infant’s gastric enzymes(14).Thus they provide immunity throughout the digestive tract and systemic immunity without exerting any allergic symptoms (4, 7, 8, 10)for common diseases occur after birth. Components in Breast milk which contribute to the passive immunization of babies These components can be categorized into several groups according to their function. (1) Anti-infective (2) Anti-allergic (3) Anti-inflammatory (4) Drugs (01) Anti-infective properties The protective effect of breast-feeding against infections is called the Anti-infective propertiesin the newborns immature immune system.As compensation has the baby in the first months trans placental spoken transferred IgG from the mother.In addition, antibodies and other immune components transmitted through breast milk(3).Humoral and Cellular factors are responsible for infant immunological properties.(8) Humoral factors There are various protective factors present in human milk, including immunoglobulin (Ig), lysozymes, the bifidus factor and nutrient-carrier proteins which bind vitamin B12,folate,and iron(in lactoferin) and limit their availability for intestinal bacteria, especially E.coli.(8) The immunoglobulins include IgC, IgM and IgD. The most important of these in man appears to be secretory IgA (sIgA).It defers antigenically from serum IgA. Secretory IgA is especially high in colostrum (2-4 mg/ml). sIgA is a compact molecule, and is resistant to proteolytic enzymes of the gastro-intestinal secretions and low stomach ph. Secretory IgAin human milk is in 10-100 times greater concentrations than in maternal serum.(3,8) In older individuals, sIgA is normally produced by sub epithelial cells in the intestinal tract. (8)During the early weeks of life the neonate does not secret this antibody, so that IgA in colostrum and milk act as an antiseptic intestinal paint, protectingintestinal epithelial surfaces until the infant’s own immune mechanisms mature. Bifidus factor is an N-containing carbohydrate. It is present in very high concentrations in colostrum.(3,8) It lost if breast milk is boiled. The bifidus factor in human milk (combined with the low pH of the intestinal contents) facilitates the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus (Bifidobacteria),which appears to have an intestinal guardian function, in particular checking the growth of undesirable, possibly harmful organisms, such as pathogenic E.coli. Human milk contains large amounts of lactoferine (2 mg/100 ml) a powerful bacteriostatic.Lactoferin acts synergistically with sIgA. Lactoferin is an unsaturated iron binding compound which competes for iron with enteral organisms.(3) Lysozyme is a well-recognizedanti-infective substance found in breast milk(up to 2mg/100ml).This enzyme inhibits the growth of many bacterial species by disrupting the proteoglycan layer of the bacterial cell wall(3,7). And may play a role in protecting against various viruses, includingHerpes hominis virus. Fresh breast milk has been used in some traditional cultures as eye drops in the treatment of conjunctivitis. (12) Other anti-infective substances which have a similar protective functions are interferon, derived fromlymphocytes, which may have anti-viral properties against neonatal infections with, for example, herpes virus(8) Cellular effects Human milk is a â€Å"live fluid† as is blood, with active enzymes (lysozyme, lipase), hormones (corticosteroids) and cells. The primary cell in human milk appears to be the microphages (at least 2700 per  µl), with lymphocytes, neutrophils and epithelial cells. The microphages secretelysozyme and lactoferrin. They are motile, amoeboid and phagocytic. Lymphocytes are also abundant in human milk. They produce sIgA and interferon Human breast milk, and especially the early colostrum, contains measurable levels of leukocytes. Breast milk contains up to 4000 leukocyte like cells per micro liter during the first two weeks of life. Colostrum contains approximately 5_106 cells per mL, an amount that decreases tenfold in mature milk. (7,8,3) Most of these leukocytes are macrophages and neutrophils, which phagocytes microbial pathogens. Lymphocytes, including T cells, natural killer cells, and antibody producing B cells, make up 10% of the leukocytes in human breast milk(8). There is evidence to suggest that these cells survive passage through the infant’s gastrointestinal system where they are absorbed and influence the infant’s immune response.(11) Anti-allergic properties Allergic diseases in early childhood due to food poisoning seem to be particularly common in all over the world. Many factors are responsible for food allergy in young children, but cow’s milk proteins such as ÃŽ ±-lactalbumin and ÃŽ ²-lactoglobulin are the commonest allergens. They are not present in human milk.(8,3) The range of diseases due to milk protein intolerance is considerably high and includes atopicdermatitis (infantile eczema) , rhinitis failure to thrive ,otitis media, allergic gastroenteropathy and hypersensivity microhaemorrhages(11). However breast feeding will not eliminate food allergies, not even completely to cow’s milk. It will however reduce the incidence very gradually and delay their onset.(8) Anti-inflammatory properties Although inflammation is a beneficial defense to the infant, an exaggerated inflammatory response will result in reduced intake, illness, and gut damage. It is not entirely clear whether the exaggerated or unchecked inflammatory response to an infectious challenge occurs only in the gut or whether this extends to the infant’s systemic immune system. The overall the balance of factors in breast milk appears to dampen the inflammatory response Cytokines such as IL (Interleukin)6, IL10, Interferon, TGFÃŽ ²(transforming Growth Factor) and TNFR(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor) 1 and 11 are anti-inflammatory factors found in breast milk.(3,2) HMOS (Human Milk Oligosaccharides) in breast milk also act as an anti-inflammatory substance. Inflammation benefits the host as a defense mechanism7 and biological anti-inflammatoryof breast milk minimizes the symptoms without interfering the immune response of the infant(9) Drugs/Chemical Toxicants Potentially toxic chemical substances can be taken orally or intravenously by mothers and those drugs can be excreted in human milk. Very recently (1970), a newly recognizeduncommon form of neonatal jaundice has been described associated with the excretion of 3-ÃŽ ±, 2-ÃŽ ² pregnanediol in the breast milk, which competes for glucuronyl transferase in the infant’s liver. This condition has never been associated withkernicterus or other type of brain damage.(3,8) Few decades ago, protection from malaria was sought by administering anti-malarial drugs to nursing mother but, weren’t success.3Some chemical toxicants in drugs can interferewith the metabolism of babies. Ex: Mercury can alter the genetically determined responseof Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and might cause hemolysis.(3,10) Conclusion After birth the infant is having an immature immune system. Its capacity to produce antibodies is low. To compensate this immunodeficiency breast milk provides immunological factors. Infants immune system gradually develop with the age. Accordingly the constituents of breast milk vary with stage of breast feeding. Breast milk contains lot of immunological factors. Early stage of breast milk it has more, rather than later. By supplying immunity breast milk act as a dynamic, multifaceted fluid, containing nutrients and bio active factors needed for the infant’s health and development. So breast milk is turned out to be the most reliable, safest and cheapest way of supplying nutrients and immunity for the infants. When breast milk provides its immunity it does not cause any other side effects too. So we can finally conclude breast milk as an important mode of passive immunization in babies References (01) Section on Human milk composition Ballard and Morrow pediatrics journal 2013. pg 5263 (02) Section on breastfeeding and health outcomes .Diafericet al pediatrics journal 2013. pg34,5 (03) Human milk in the modern world JelliffeJelliffe. 2nd edition 1979. 85109 (04) Pubmed (05) The normal child.10th edition Roland S Illingworth .2005 (06) Text book of pediatrics .Nelson.19th edition. 28,160 (07) Immunology .RoittBrostoff .4th edition.1996 (08)Journal of nutrition. American society for nutrition. Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, SpedaliCivili, 25123 Brescia, Italy (09) Breastfeeding, Immune response, and long health. Kelly M. Jackson, PhD, Professor, Medical (11) Breastfeeding for Dummies, comparing formula and breast milk .Sharon Parkins, CarrolVannais (12) Personal information (13). Prentice, A. Regional Variations in the Composition of Human Milk. In: Jensen, RG., editor.Handbook of Milk Composition. Academic Press, Inc.; San Diego, CA: 1995. p. 919 (14). Jensen, RG. Handbook of Milk Composition. Academic Press, Inc.; San Diego, CA: 1995.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Apples to Oranges? (Suicide Attempters VS Suicide Completers) Essays

The title â€Å"Apples to Oranges?: A direct comparison between suicide attempters and suicide completers† immediately grabs readers’ attentions. Though, the title somewhat represents the article. Since the research is conducted within the Major Depressive Disorder population, the more suitable title of the article should read â€Å"Apples to Oranges?: A direct comparison between suicide attempters and suicide completers in Major Depressive Disorder population.† The authors write the research article in simple and concise manners. However, it would have been helpful to the readers if the research report contains the definition of terms section in an abstract. The authors write with the assumption that the readers are already healthcare professionals. Some terms used such as â€Å"mood disorders,† â€Å"Axis I disorders,† â€Å"SCID-IV diagnostic,† are medical terminology and required some medical knowledge to understand the meanings (De Jong, Overholser, and Stockmeier, 2010, pp.90-91). The operational definition of â€Å"depression† should be introduced earlier in the article. The authors operationally define depression as fitting â€Å"all the requirements set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fourth Edition† (DeJong et al, 2010, p.92). This definition can be unclear to some readers. Therefore, the authors should also include the conceptual definition and expand on the list of criteria of depression according to Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorder. Problem Statement The authors imply that previous suicidal studies typically focused on comparing suicidal populations with non-suicidal controls (DeJong et al, 2010). However, the authors realize that it is as important to conduct a study within the homogen... once in a life time. References American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (2011). Facts and Figures. Retrieved from DeJong, T., Overholser, J., & Stockmeier, C. (2010). Apples to oranges?: a direct comparison between suicide attempters and suicide completers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 124(1-2), 90-97. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. References American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (2011). Facts and Figures. Retrieved from DeJong, T., Overholser, J., & Stockmeier, C. (2010). Apples to oranges?: a direct comparison between suicide attempters and suicide completers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 124(1-2), 90-97. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Plans For The Future Essay

Time to become an adult has come. Having an independent life has some happy and difficult moments. However, these situations improve our life in several enriching ways. At this point in the life we have to define our goals and start working for them. When we become an adult we have two choices, and you can choose the one that could take you to the top, or you can take the easiest one and be just another person of the common people. On December first 2012, I arrived to New York State. At my 20 years old, I had to leave my homeland and I was responsible for my life and my own decisions everything was new for me. It was like jumping into the water not knowing how to swim. Now, I am working with my uncle in his own business, I never thought that I am going to be involved in this kind of business. Read more: Future plan essay We sell and repair cars. I learned as fast as I could and now I can say that I have some knowledge about cars. On the other hand, I am attending at college; I want to get in the business major but I am still taking ESL classes because every day as a foreign student I need to learn more English as I can. I feel glad that I can speak English and understand it more than before this way I can accomplish my goal which is finish my education in other language, in a other country and by my own effort. To finish my short introduction, I would like to emphasize that this is one of the most significant experiences of my life because I have learned how import is our family and sometimes we do not appreciate that when they are with us. I am growing as a person and as a professional, but I know all of this effort that I am making it worth. I hope that I can accomplish all my goals that I have I my mind ,but I know that I will with the God’s blessing we can do whatever we want.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing/Communications Aflac Duck Campaign

State of the Industry Paper Aflac Duck Campaign Introduction One company which has had success over the last decade is American Family Life Assurance Company or more commonly known as Aflac (duck voice). Historically, Aflac was a pretty successful company but they were still missing that one piece to make them recognizable. That one thing the company needed was a face and they found it when they launched their Aflac Duck Campaign. In this paper, the Duck campaign strategy will be discussed along with the history of Aflac, target audience and competition of Aflac, and the successful outcome of the campaign.History The American Family Life Assurance Company was founded in Columbus, Georgia by three brothers, John, Paul, and Bill Amos in 1955. Three years later, the company had their first big plan which was developing a cancer expense policy. Several years afterward, Aflac expanded by adding numerous diverse policies to cover accidents, dental, disability, hospital care, and other heal th events. In the 1960s, Aflac thrived on making presentations to companies with large groups of employees. Today, the overwhelming majority (96%) of Aflac’s policies are bought at work through a payroll-deduction basis.Later in the 1970s, Aflac continued its success by expanding into the Japan market. Aflac was only the third American company to sell insurance in Japan. This has proved to very successful since today, Japan is about three-quarters (75%) of the company’s revenue. Aflac continued to do well through the 1980s and into the 1990s and named a new CEO, Daniel Amos, in 1990. Under the newly appointed CEO, Aflac become a Fortune 100 best company to work in the United States in 2000. Overall the company had taken shape beautifully in its history.It was the largest provider of renewable insurance in the US and it was also the largest provider in Japan (History 2012). So what is the problem? Daniel Amos wanted to change one thing about his company and that was bra nd awareness. Despite the success, after initiating name awareness ad campaign in the United States Aflac the name recognition for Aflac came back at 2%. After various attempts to get the company recognized â€Å"The Duck† debuted on New Year’s Day in 2000 (Amos 2010). â€Å"The Duck† â€Å"We had to do something dramatic,† stated Aflac CEO Daniel Amos in a Harvard Business Review (Amos 2010).In the late 1990s, Aflac began listening to agencies pitch ideas for new television advertisements. One agency, Kaplan Thaler Group, was in a meeting tossing around ideas and they themselves were having a tough time remembering the name of the company. Amos explains, â€Å"One day, one of them asked, ‘What’s the name of the account we’re pitching? ’ A colleague replied, ‘It’s Aflac-Aflac-Aflac—Aflac. ’ Someone said that he sounded like a duck, and the idea was born† (Amos 2010). During testing of the differ ent advertisements, Kaplan Thaler ad scored 50% than what Aflac was previously doing.Amos liked that the commercial pointed fun at the company’s name (Amos 2010). When Daniel Amos tried explaining the ad to others they simply did not understand the reasoning behind it. The first Aflac Duck debuted on CNN on New Year’s Day in 2000 (Amos 2010). The bit ran four times an hour. From this point on the rest was history. The first day the commercial aired, Aflac had more visits to their website than the entire year before. Weeks later, the company was getting requests for stuffed animal versions of the duck (Amos 2010).Months later, Amos describes an event at Disney Studios that Aflac was sponsoring. â€Å"We didn’t know whether it would be a good idea to put ducks on all the tables†¦.. I was just watching to see if ducks were left on the tables,† said Amos. This next encounter confirmed Amos had found what he had been looking for. â€Å"I spotted the head of Disney Studios with a bulge under his jacket. When I jokingly asked him what was going on, he said, ‘I want you to understand that Donald is always king around here. But I want to take one home to my kids† (Amos 2010).Daniel Amos had found a dark horse. A duck quacking out the name of his company with various celebrities repeatedly asking for the company name was his winner. â€Å"The Duck† had been born. Target Audience Aflac believed it needed the duck to attract more of their target audience. With the company’s cancer expense services there was not much more room for growth from that audience. That audience is the 35 to 54 year old age group because most of the company’s policies came from business groups. Since Aflac was trying to make a push in selling more policies regarding accident nd liability insurances, they wanted to reach out more to families and attract new customers. Since many other insurance companies offer pretty much the same i nsurance policies Aflac needed a way to stick out (Sunset 2008). This is where the duck comes in. Competition Insurance is always a buyer’s market because everybody wants to have coverage and be protected from accidents, liabilities, health, and other events. Aflac offered similar services to its competing insurance companies such as Citizens Financial Corporation, Conseco Incorporated, and Amerisafe Incorporated.In a tough industry, Aflac had a hard time selling policies outside of their corporate base that they had already built years prior (Sunset 2008). They needed a way to leapfrog the competition. This where the duck comes in. Marketing Strategy behind â€Å"The Duck† As mentioned previously, the Kaplan Thaler Group (KTG) was responsible for creating the pitch idea for â€Å"The Duck. † KTG had developed their own advertising model called â€Å"Big Bang. † KTG’s website describes a â€Å"Bang† as, â€Å"†¦creates brand experience s and connections resulting in deep relationships† (Thaler).Aflac was looking for that deep relationship with consumers so they could be recognized. All the initial spots for Aflac comprised of one central theme. It turned the company’s weakness, a difficult name, into its strength by making that most of the campaign’s humor (Sunset 2008). In all the early advertisements, it started with a small group of discussing a recent accident or trying to decide what insurance company they should buy policies from. In both spots, the people cannot recall the name of an insurance company, the duck pops up and quacks, â€Å"Aflac! This happens continuously throughout the commercial typically with the duck doing something humorous in the background. When people watched more and more of these commercials they already knew what they were getting and that was Aflac. The name became instantly memorized because of the repetition the commercial provided. Looking at the ads, there are several examples of tactics discussed from class. As discussed in Day 12 of lecture, just the foundation of distraction played a role in the commercials. Using the humor of the duck repeating the company name distracted you from what the company s trying to sell but you remembered the name and it made you interested in what the company was. Also from Day 12, the commercial displays the elaboration likelihood model. The level of elaboration is low thus leads the viewers to view the message peripherally. Now since the viewers understand this peripherally they are not taking logic, information, or rational thinking into account. They are viewing it as humorous, which in the Aflac advertisements sparked a change in attitude because immediately the company was more recognized.People accepted the position of the message, the name recognition, probably due to how it was spoken to them and who was saying it. A duck quacking the company name to you repeatedly is easy to remember. Also, p eople had the ability to process the message of name recognition because now that it had a symbol/face it was so easy to remember. Now that the marketing strategies behind â€Å"The Duck† have been revealed, it is easy to understand why there were immediate results. Outcomes/Results As previously mentioned, the day Aflac aired their first â€Å"Duck† commercial; they had more visits to their website that day than the previous year.In the first two weeks of the first year (2000), the company had more sales leads than in 1998 and 1999 combined. In the second quarter of the first year, the company had a record quarter of $168 million in sales (Sunset 2008). In the first year of â€Å"The Duck† in the United States, sales went up 29%. In three years, sales were doubled (Amos 2010). For the first time ever accident/disability insurance swapped with cancer-expense insurance for the company’s number one product (Sunset 2008). Also in the third year, Daniel Amosà ¢â‚¬â„¢s goal was met. Aflac achieved 94% brand awareness.The new account growth increased 10% and the mid-sized business accounts increased 20% (Kaplan Case Study). In 2008, Aflac’s two main markets, USA and Japan, had combined revenue of $16. 6 billion, which is almost double the revenue from the last year (1999) without â€Å"The Duck† (Amos 2010). Aflac has also been named a Fortune 100 Best Company to Work For over the last fourteen years. Aflac was also named on Fortune 500’s list for Best Company overall (Corporate Report 2012). In 2010, Aflac was the number one preferred voluntary insurance carrier (Kaplan Case Study).These results speak for themselves and Aflac is not slowing down. â€Å"The Duck† is everywhere. Looking at Aflac’s website, there are numerous ducks on each page. Aflac is one of the main sponsor’s for NASCAR driver Carl Edwards, who has a giant ducks all around his car. â€Å"The Duck† makes an appearance yearl y in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Aflac has become a mainstay in the world of college football by sponsoring The Heisman Trophy and â€Å"The Duck† often makes appearances with â€Å"The Aflac Trivia Question. † Aflac also makes appearances with the National Football League and Major League Baseball (Aflac Homepage). The Duck† has met some stars over the years as well such as Chevy Chase, Yogi Berra, Yao Ming, the 2004 United States Olympic Swim Team, and even cartoon characters Bugs Bunny and fellow duck, Daffy. Over time, â€Å"The Duck† has also appeared on â€Å"The Tonight Show† and â€Å"Saturday Night Live† (Sunset 2008). â€Å"The Duck† has garnered several awards itself. In 2004, â€Å"The Duck† was named one of the country’s favorite advertising figures (Press Release 2004) and was an original member of the Advertising Walk of Fame (Sunset 2008). Also, a two time Gold Effe Winner (2002 & 2004), Web by Award for Best Web. Com (2010), and People’s Voice Award Winner. The Duck† also had a higher Q Score, which measures familiarity, than Ronald McDonald and the Energizer Bunny (Kaplan Case Study). Aflac does not plan on slowing down this phenomenon either with their newest Duck campaign, â€Å"Get the Alfacts. † Conclusion In conclusion, it should be obvious that the Aflac Duck was one of the most successful campaigns in the past few decades. The company had a great start with their good long history but it just needed that final push. The marketing strategy put in place by Kaplan Thaler Group and Aflac was well put together and they created the company symbol they wanted. The Duck† was able to target the audience, beat out the competition, and get the results Aflac was looking for. When Ms. Kaplan Thaler was asked if the duck will begin saying more than â€Å"Aflac,† she replied, â€Å"That’s going to be up to him. Right now, the Aflacts s peak for themselves† (Elliott 2009). References Sunset, B. (2008, January 28). The Aflac Duck Campaign. Retrieved from http://marketing-case-studies. blogspot. com/2008/01/aflac-duck-2000-campaign. html Amos, D. (2010). How I Did It: Aflac's CEO Explains How He Fell For The Duck. Retrieved from http://www. nternationalistmagazine. com/AflacsCEO. pdf Case Studies Kaplan Thaler. Retrieved from http://kaplanthaler. com/clients/case_studies Thaler, L. , Thaler, R. BANG! Getting Your Message Heard in a Noisy World. Retrieved from http://www. thepowerofsmallbook. com/index. php/other Abbey, R. (2010). Encouraging Animal Advertisers to Pay for the Use of Animal Images: A Voluntary Certification Approach. Retrieved from http://sjalp. stanford. edu/pdfs/Abbey. pdf Elliott, S. (2009, April 21). Not Daffy or Donald, but Still Aflac’s Rising Star. Retrieved from http://www. ytimes. com/2009/04/22/business/media/22adco. html? _r=1;scp=2;sq=Aflac;st=cse (2012). Aflac 2012 Corporate C itizenship Report. Retrieved from http://www. aflac. com/us/en/docs/investors/CSRReport. pdf (2012). Aflac History. Retrieved from http://www. aflac. com/aboutaflac/corporateoverview/history. aspx (2004, September 20). Aflac Press Release. Retrieved from http://www. aflac. com/aboutaflac/pressroom/pressreleasestory. aspx? rid=616598 (2012). Aflac Homepage. Retrieved from http://www. aflac. com/aboutaflac/corporateoverview/missionandvalues. aspx

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An investigation into the effect of chunking on recall Essays

An investigation into the effect of chunking on recall Essays An investigation into the effect of chunking on recall Essay An investigation into the effect of chunking on recall Essay I chose the experimental method because this brings advantages like I can control most of my variables but not all. Some controlled variables which I have are that each participant gets the same instructions, each person gets the same amount of time this is to keep the experiment as fair as possible.Some variables that I will not be able to control are things like the time of day I ask each person because I got to see when I have some spare time to do so, I will proberly not be able to make sure each person is under the same surroundings again due to time and this could affect my results because people mite not be at there best at a certain time of day. Participants My experiment is aimed at 16yr olds students of a mixed gender.They were selected through the opportunity sampling method because they were situated in the same room as my self and are all from the same college QE. Materials I used equipment such as a stopwatch to time each individual to make sure each one had the exact same time, I provided a pen and a sheet of paper for everyone who took part in my experiment. I chose my list of abbreviations by thinking of a topic like TV and than I thought about all the channels and there abbreviations but all had to be 3 letters each.Procedure The first thing I did after I had chosen what experiment I was going to do was think of a list abbreviations that had to be 3 letters each and altogether had to be 24 letters. I than made simple instructions for the participants to follow and printed it out. Later on I went into the canteen around 11am and asked people if they would take part in my experiment, I told them that they did not have to take part against there will and could withdraw at anytime during the experiment but also reassured them that all there information would be kept confidential.I gave each participant 1min to have a look at the letters, letter string or chunked list and than recorded the results on a rough sheet of paper. After I had gathered up all the info I started writing up my experiment. Discussion My results show that my prediction was correct and that more people remembered the letters from the chunked list than the letter string also that Millers theory was correct that if we chunk information and give them a meaning we are more likely to remember more than 7 things in our STM so my results agree with Millers theory.If I could make any modifications it would be that I would ask participants at the same time of day rather than at different times because this could affect the results because participants mite not be at there best at a certain time of day or mite jus be having a bad day altogether. Another thing I would change is that I would use only students who do not do psychology because people who do psychology mite now whats going on and may have already done the experiment before so this could affect the results if they know the theory behind the experiment.Criticism with my experiment is the location because the canteen was to noisy, I would like it be in a quite room were I could ask all the participants at the same time of day on the same day so it would be as fair as possible. If I was able to make these changes this may have affected my results because people may have remembered more letters in each situation and this may have even affected my hypothesis. Again the confounding variables were the noise, location, people may not have been at there best at that time of day and other general distractions occur in the canteen .Ethical issued were that I never forced anyone into participating and always gave them the option of withdrawing anytime during the experiment but also told them that all information would be kept confidential. Further work from this experiment is that I could use it to revise for final exams as it has lots of vital information. Results My results show that my prediction was correct and that chunking information increases capacity in your STM and also that Millers theory was correct

Monday, October 21, 2019

Africa University, [A.U] Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Africa University, [A.U] Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Africa University, [A.U] Institute of peace, Leadership and governance, [I.P.L.G] Master 's in Public Policy and Governance (MPPG) Mutare , Zimbabwe Semester Assignment POLICY BRIEF: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF NIGERIA'S HEALTH SYSTEMS; CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES By Ishaya Ajet Hosea Reg Number: 130151 Presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the course Course title: Health policy and Health care in Africa Signed Date 04 March 2018 Executive Summary COUNTRY FACTS (2018 ) Population: 190,632,261 Life Expectancy at Birth Total : 53.8 years Male: 52.8 years Female : 55 years Infant Mortality Rate (Live Births) Total : 69.8 deaths/1,000 Male : 74.5 deaths/1,000 Female : 64.8 deaths/1,000 Health Expenditures: 3.7% of GDP (2014) (Source: CIA World Fact Book, 2017) The health system of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is currently in need of full evaluation. This is in order for new and revisited policies to fine-tune the wants of the forthcoming shift in infection pattern due to an epidemiological circumference (incidence, distribution, and control of diseases.) This means that the trouble of diseas e shifts away from communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS to non-communicable diseases but most recurring like diabetes. The contemporary health system is not fully built and equipped for the growing number of chronic diseases attacking the growing population of the country. Health care can be delivered at low cost, but in the current case , public health care delivery is notably inefficient and more expensive ly delivered by the private. This puts pressure on the financial situation of the health system. Therefore, policies in Nigeria's public health should focus more on providing access on a large scale. On that account, reinventing the parameters of operations of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) should aim at availing health access with ease for all and put more considerations into sicknesses that are considered minor. To achieve this objective, health facilities need further support by the government of the fe deration to enhance training and proficiency and a comprehensive focus on diseases. In addition, budgetary allocation towards heal ought to increase and be equally distributed across the nation Introduction There have been intense suppositions that Nigeria would reform its health sector. Nigeria is one of the largest countries in Africa. The country is blessed with many natural resources ( Meo et al, 2014). This makes it one of the richest in the continent. Despite the country's wealth , it is still underdeveloped. The country has passed thr ough different administrations. There have been many outcries from the country and international world. The plea is for the administration to better the lot of the country by increasing the standards of living of its citizens . Nigeria faces many challenges among which health care packages are included. The main health domains informing Nigeria's health care policies and reforms include: genetic makeup, social circumstances, environmental circumstances, behavioural choices, medical care availability . Nigeria's health care budgetary allocation falls in line with the World Health Organisation's recomm endation on health expenditure. According to (World Bank Group, 2018) report, Nigeria currently invest about 5.3 percent of its Gross Domestic Product to the Health Sector. This is in line with the Universal Health Policies UNIVERSAL HEALTH POLICIES Is also known as universal health coverage . This is a specific type of health care where everyone is provided coverage regardless of their income, race, age, pre-existing conditions, gender, or wealth. In other words, as long as you are a legal resident of the region that is being covered, (e.g . Federal Republic of Nigeria ), you are eligible for universal health care. The purpose of universal health care is to provide all citizens with an opportunity to obtain the health care that they may need without having to worry about financial hardship. Currently, the costs associated with privatized health care are really expensive. Private companies set their own costs for insurance premiums, medical tests, and other services in order to make a profit. A universal health care system would be run by the government. The assumption here is that the government would not be interested in making profits, but in promoting the best interests of its citizens. Therefore, a universal health care system would likely result in decreased costs for medical care and

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Research Paper

The Department of Education pronounces the addition of two more years in the basic education of students, which according to them will benefit not only the Filipino youth but all the Filipino in the Philippines. (Luistro, 2010) The administration asserts that with the implementation of such program, the problem of unemployment in the country will be resolved. In as much as employment in the Philippines is concerned, the K12 education also responds to the fact that most countries in the world already have the same plan in their educational institutions.With this, the standards of these countries go a notch higher than what the country has, thus, creating an expansion in the global competency. (DepEd, 2010) â€Å"We need to add two years to our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the  Ã‚   best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. † (Aquino III, 2011) K12 educational systems are additional years to secondary level. This research contains some information about curriculum of K12.This means that the present four years in high school will be called Junior High School and additional two years as senior High School. The model, which is being proposed, is K-6-4-2 where K means Kindergarten (5 years old), 6 means six years in elementary (6 to 11 years old), 4 means four years in Junior High School (12 to 15 years old) and 2 means two years in Senior High School (16 to 17 years old). (DepEd, n. d). Kindergarten will start in school year 2011 – 2012. The new and enhanced curriculum in Grade 1 and first year high school will start in school year 2012 – 2013.The first year senior high school or the eleventh year will begin in school year 2016 – 2017. The first graduates of the 12- year curriculum will be in 2018. (DepEd, n. d). Enhancing the quality of basic education in the Philippines is urgent and critical. The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. One reason is that students do not get adequate instructional time or task. Our children deserve to receive the best education our country can provide for them and our economy depends on an educated and skilled workforce to be successful in the global market.B. Statement of the Problem This study aims to answer these following questions: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the K-12 program or the additional 2 years to Basic Education? 2. Will the parents agree or disagree to the K- 12 program? C. Significance of the Study Parents of the students. This research would be able to help the parents of the students who are affected by the K-12 program, this will give them an idea of what will be the advantages and disadvantages of the program, and if it will help their children grow from the academic nature.Students. The students will benefit from the study by letting them know how they are going to be able to understand the addition of 2 years from their schooling. Students will know how it will provide a better quality of education to them. Teachers. This study will benefit the teachers from the school, for them to be prepared for the additional two years to the basic education. It is important for them to know the advantages and disadvantages of the program, because they will be the one providing the knowledge to the children. School.This research will also benefit the school, so they will anticipate the additional cost to the program, also the additional teachers and everything that they should be anticipating for. D. Scope and Limitation This study focuses only on the perception of the parents’ students affected by the K-12 program since it has been implemented this year the study will only focus on what the parents think and how it will affect them. It will also focus on the circumstances that will put one in favorable position, and those circumstances that will put one in unfavorable position. The study will only ask the parents about K-6-4-2 and not go beyond asking them if they’ll still let their children continue to study or not. E. Materials and Methods This research utilizes the descriptive method since the researcher aims to discuss and to know the perception of parents regarding to the additional years of basic education. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristic what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations.Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic. Interview, books and newspaper were researchers’ major instrument in gathering   Ã‚  Ã‚  information and were augmented with other data collected through readings E. Definition of Terms Department of Education. It is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the management and governing of the Philippine system of basic education. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Department_of_Education_(Philippines)) Education.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stragetic Planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Stragetic Planning - Case Study Example In that respect, it would be important for the mayor to convince him and seek amicable approach towards the public job cut if the proposal is to sail through. Claudia Alvaro: Is a professional in public financial management with sound knowledge on macro and micro-economic policies. This means Alvaro holds central role in evaluating and assessing the best alternative among the proposals that will be raised towards economic streamlining of central town. The pertinent issue in this case is the crumbling economy of central town as result of mass immigration of its residents. This means that the tax size has significantly reduced and can barely support the town in terms of public workers wage bill and efficient provision of essential services. The mayor is making efforts to restore economic sanity by proposing privatization with subsequent job cuts among public workers. This has drawn mixed reactions from the town with workers through their union opposing the move while the public support. Sources or causes of each problem; Privatization is seen as possible public employment cut down with considerable economic loss to the workers and this is the point of concern. On the issue of awarding tender, the mayor seeks to reconcile quality with cost hence the critical evaluation process. There are potential obstacles for the central town political leadership in its effort to implement the macro-economic proposal of privatization and public job cut. The legal battle is likely to work against it since the workers union seems strong and ready to drag the authorities to court in this matter. The financial and budgetary allocation procedures require support of other political leaders who are likely to support different factions to the dispute in question. Laying off workers will paint the government on wrong side of being unethical in considering the welfare of the job cut victims. This will in turn degenerate to possible political

Twinkies, the Undead Snack Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Twinkies, the Undead Snack - Essay Example The article implies that it is this notion, along with an extremely liberal union agreement for workers, which has led to the financial instability of Hostess and the Twinkie. The author concludes with the quote as stated above and I agree that the companies that survive over time are the ones that continue to produce products that people need and find value in. Thinking about companies that have been around for generations and that are currently financially stable such as McDonald’s, Walt Disney and Microsoft, you will notice that they all stay current with the times and produce products that people want. These companies are willing to change their products, designs, logos and marketing techniques in order to keep their products in the forefront to remind consumers that they need to have their products. These companies also market themselves well in terms of using the latest technology and making that known to customers. These companies make people believe that what they are producing is truly needed by people around the world. Hostess, on the other hand, is not known for being modern and up to date. People don’t talk about Twinkies at their get social events. Although their products still sell, they are not seen in the same light as they once were. In my opinion, Hostess needs a new modern twist on its traditional products. Hostess is not viewed as a company that provides products that are in line with what people today want. There has been a modern day focus on health and nutrition, of which Hostess has not been able to keep up with. In addition Hostess has not been able to make the necessary changes in developing appropriate union contracts for its workers. Those contracts need to change with the times as well. While I admire that Hostess’ employees have a generous contract, which is something all companies should strive for, Hostess and its employees have to realize that in order to stay financially viable, there have

Leadeship in Clinical Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadeship in Clinical Practice - Essay Example Nurse-doctor communication results in safe and effective care of patient. Similar to that nurse-supporting staff relation also affects the patients because they are the one who are responsible for taking care of patient in relation to medicines, food, clothing, cleanliness etc. So these two factors play a key role in managing a clinic performance. This relation can be made efficient only on the basis of effective leadership and communication skills (Armstrong, 2005, Chiarella, 2002). 1.2 Theories of communication Communication can be understood in various ways, as human nature also differs depending on one’s personality and nature. There is diversity in it because it is a broader concept of discipline. There are many theories of leadership and communication such as CBS model, situational theory, contingency theory etc. In accordance to the situation of the discussion paper two communication theories will support the present condition of staff members who assist nurses. They ar e situational and contingency theories (Woodward J, 1965). Situational leadership theory This theory believes that there is not a one single best style of leadership. In fact, leading will be effective only if it is related to specific tasks. It is the style of maturity. It will not only help in the accomplishment of tasks and jobs, but will also influence the group performing the job (Hersey P, 1969). This theory is related to various clinical areas, mostly towards the relationship of nurse-supporting staff because the followers are less skilled. They need full guidance and supervision. This can be done by assigning them task in groups on the basis of specific situations. Each group will be given task on the basis of his or maturity level. The result of which will be increased knowledge and experience through mutual coordination in a group. It will help to motivate the task as well as relationship behavior of the followers. Contingency theory This theory believes that leadership ef fectiveness is mainly based on two factors i.e. situational control and leadership style. It emphasize on the fact that there is not a single way of leading, similar to that of situational theory. It believes that an organization success depends on both internal as well as external factors. In a clinic perspective, business will be successful only if it’s both, the external factors such as clients, image etc., and internal factors such as doctors, nurses, supporting staff etc., are considered and dealt efficiently. Organization should focus more on organizational structures and management styles (Lawrence P, 1967). Managers should make the organizational structure friendly in order to educate its supporting staff. Management styles should be less formal because they are fresh graduate’s one need to be at their level to promote efficiency. Clinics should have open systems in order to satisfy their internal needs of supporting staff and make them prepare to deal with cha llenging situations (Turner C, 2002). There is not a single way of organizing things. All depends on the nature of task provided to the working staff. Nursing managers should clearly explain the task or jobs to the staff. They should find a good fit among staff and jobs. This means that jobs should be assigned on the basis of capability of a person. Different techniques should be used in various departments of a clinic (Fred Lutans, 2011). 1.3 Communication in clinical areas

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The development of risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The development of risk - Essay Example A properly organised fieldwork enables learners to develop their competency level, skills and knowledge that further improves the value of classroom education. Due to the outstanding learning nature of the outdoor education, it is more likely to have a positive impact on the learner’s experience. On the other hand, outdoor education involving adventure gives a more practical experience to learners, which further enhances their learning process for better cognitive development (Rickinson, & et. al., 2004). Contextually, Management Information System is a process that involves collection of data and information through different sources and storing. The relevant data and information is further utilised for various decision making process to increase the effectiveness. The outdoor learning process improves the level of knowledge of learners and information gathered throughout the learning process assist in making various decisions effectively. For any organisation, management inf ormation system plays a crucial role, as it is the major source of all the relevant information. Information system ensures that data collected reach its required target and assists in strong decision-making. The system is responsible to meet the information need of each individual, groups as well as management of the organisation (Oz, 2008; Alcami & Caranana, n.d.). Outdoor learning in schools allows students, directly connect with the natural environment. Improved access to environment has a positive health and environmental benefits on students and their risk making assessment. Outdoor education improves the learning process to a considerable degree. Outdoor learning helps to enhance self-concept that leads to improved self-efficacy. Learning combined with natural environment enhances the self-confidence of learners as well as results in spiritual development. On the other hand, it facilitates team bonding as well as cooperation

Liberal arts in our life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Liberal arts in our life - Research Paper Example Another branch of the liberal arts is known as the humanities which cover literature, languages, history, and philosophy. The third branch is the creative arts – theater, fine art, creative writing and others. All these broad subjects are what are known as the liberal arts and they are, as you can see, quite wide and varied. They are usually available to students at an undergraduate level right at the beginning and at more advanced levels as we move up the higher education chain (Sigurdson 14). II. What I know about the topic 1. The main task of liberal arts Liberal arts are not designed to equip you or enable you to specialize in a specific profession. Rather, they are there to prepare the students for life in the working world. Liberal arts equip you with the ability, first and foremost, to have lifelong learning. Learning does not just end in the classroom or after graduation. It is a process through which we acquire knowledge skills and expertise throughout our life. It is , therefore, necessary for one to have courses that equip you to do exactly that – essentially be a student for life, learning and adapting to new knowledge, new aspects of life and learning how to adapt, live and even thrive with change. 2. The main capacities of liberal arts The liberal arts also give one the ability and capacity for free thinking. It teaches the student how to think, how to question and how to expand your horizons. The liberal arts also enable one to communicate effectively (Schall 7). It is not just a matter of learning how to speak a foreign language or two – though that is also covered in liberal arts – but how to interpret nonverbal communications, how to communicate in cultures other than your own, and how to express yourself in contexts that are different from your traditional ones (Sigurdson 18). The liberal arts give students a chance to not only explore and get their head round a large variety of subjects but also an ability to look at the world, themselves and others in a totally new light. It gives students an appreciation of different points of view and different modes of thought. It is an opportunity to learn about the evolution of human society, how it started out, how it came through civilization, what civilization is all about and what in the world has changed and how it has changed since this civilization came about. In liberal arts one learns what previous generations have learned, thought and experienced (Schall 11). III. Research 1. The main questions of liberal arts What questions did they ask? What answers did the great philosophers seek? Liberal arts give you an opportunity to wrestle with abstract concepts and ideas. There arose questions such as: What is beauty and how does one decide that something is beautiful and the other one is not? Does this color or make-up look good on me? How did our history shape us and our thinking? How did we interact with the environment and what impact has it had o n us and us about it? What acts constitute sexual harassment in the workplace and why and how should they be reported? Thus, liberal arts result in a person who has a more rounded appreciation of himself, others and his environment. A classic story is told to explain the importance of the liberal arts. Three blind men who were told to touch an elephant and then describe what it looked like. The first one touched the elephant’s main body and decided because it was so big, this creature must be like a wall. The second blind man touched the elephant’s tusk and after racing it all the way to the tip, decided that the elephant must be shaped like a spear, like some

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leadeship in Clinical Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadeship in Clinical Practice - Essay Example Nurse-doctor communication results in safe and effective care of patient. Similar to that nurse-supporting staff relation also affects the patients because they are the one who are responsible for taking care of patient in relation to medicines, food, clothing, cleanliness etc. So these two factors play a key role in managing a clinic performance. This relation can be made efficient only on the basis of effective leadership and communication skills (Armstrong, 2005, Chiarella, 2002). 1.2 Theories of communication Communication can be understood in various ways, as human nature also differs depending on one’s personality and nature. There is diversity in it because it is a broader concept of discipline. There are many theories of leadership and communication such as CBS model, situational theory, contingency theory etc. In accordance to the situation of the discussion paper two communication theories will support the present condition of staff members who assist nurses. They ar e situational and contingency theories (Woodward J, 1965). Situational leadership theory This theory believes that there is not a one single best style of leadership. In fact, leading will be effective only if it is related to specific tasks. It is the style of maturity. It will not only help in the accomplishment of tasks and jobs, but will also influence the group performing the job (Hersey P, 1969). This theory is related to various clinical areas, mostly towards the relationship of nurse-supporting staff because the followers are less skilled. They need full guidance and supervision. This can be done by assigning them task in groups on the basis of specific situations. Each group will be given task on the basis of his or maturity level. The result of which will be increased knowledge and experience through mutual coordination in a group. It will help to motivate the task as well as relationship behavior of the followers. Contingency theory This theory believes that leadership ef fectiveness is mainly based on two factors i.e. situational control and leadership style. It emphasize on the fact that there is not a single way of leading, similar to that of situational theory. It believes that an organization success depends on both internal as well as external factors. In a clinic perspective, business will be successful only if it’s both, the external factors such as clients, image etc., and internal factors such as doctors, nurses, supporting staff etc., are considered and dealt efficiently. Organization should focus more on organizational structures and management styles (Lawrence P, 1967). Managers should make the organizational structure friendly in order to educate its supporting staff. Management styles should be less formal because they are fresh graduate’s one need to be at their level to promote efficiency. Clinics should have open systems in order to satisfy their internal needs of supporting staff and make them prepare to deal with cha llenging situations (Turner C, 2002). There is not a single way of organizing things. All depends on the nature of task provided to the working staff. Nursing managers should clearly explain the task or jobs to the staff. They should find a good fit among staff and jobs. This means that jobs should be assigned on the basis of capability of a person. Different techniques should be used in various departments of a clinic (Fred Lutans, 2011). 1.3 Communication in clinical areas

Liberal arts in our life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Liberal arts in our life - Research Paper Example Another branch of the liberal arts is known as the humanities which cover literature, languages, history, and philosophy. The third branch is the creative arts – theater, fine art, creative writing and others. All these broad subjects are what are known as the liberal arts and they are, as you can see, quite wide and varied. They are usually available to students at an undergraduate level right at the beginning and at more advanced levels as we move up the higher education chain (Sigurdson 14). II. What I know about the topic 1. The main task of liberal arts Liberal arts are not designed to equip you or enable you to specialize in a specific profession. Rather, they are there to prepare the students for life in the working world. Liberal arts equip you with the ability, first and foremost, to have lifelong learning. Learning does not just end in the classroom or after graduation. It is a process through which we acquire knowledge skills and expertise throughout our life. It is , therefore, necessary for one to have courses that equip you to do exactly that – essentially be a student for life, learning and adapting to new knowledge, new aspects of life and learning how to adapt, live and even thrive with change. 2. The main capacities of liberal arts The liberal arts also give one the ability and capacity for free thinking. It teaches the student how to think, how to question and how to expand your horizons. The liberal arts also enable one to communicate effectively (Schall 7). It is not just a matter of learning how to speak a foreign language or two – though that is also covered in liberal arts – but how to interpret nonverbal communications, how to communicate in cultures other than your own, and how to express yourself in contexts that are different from your traditional ones (Sigurdson 18). The liberal arts give students a chance to not only explore and get their head round a large variety of subjects but also an ability to look at the world, themselves and others in a totally new light. It gives students an appreciation of different points of view and different modes of thought. It is an opportunity to learn about the evolution of human society, how it started out, how it came through civilization, what civilization is all about and what in the world has changed and how it has changed since this civilization came about. In liberal arts one learns what previous generations have learned, thought and experienced (Schall 11). III. Research 1. The main questions of liberal arts What questions did they ask? What answers did the great philosophers seek? Liberal arts give you an opportunity to wrestle with abstract concepts and ideas. There arose questions such as: What is beauty and how does one decide that something is beautiful and the other one is not? Does this color or make-up look good on me? How did our history shape us and our thinking? How did we interact with the environment and what impact has it had o n us and us about it? What acts constitute sexual harassment in the workplace and why and how should they be reported? Thus, liberal arts result in a person who has a more rounded appreciation of himself, others and his environment. A classic story is told to explain the importance of the liberal arts. Three blind men who were told to touch an elephant and then describe what it looked like. The first one touched the elephant’s main body and decided because it was so big, this creature must be like a wall. The second blind man touched the elephant’s tusk and after racing it all the way to the tip, decided that the elephant must be shaped like a spear, like some

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Litmus Milk Procedural Essay Example for Free

Litmus Milk Procedural Essay Litmus milk is a complex medium that can potentially distinguish many species of bacteria. Litmus milk has several components that can be metabolized: lactose (milk sugar); casein (milk protein); and litmus (a pH indicator). If lactose is fermented, the solution should turn pink. If gas is produced during fermentation, you may be able to see bubbles or cracks in the milky medium. If lactose is not fermented and proteins are metabolized instead, the solution will become alkaline and turn blue in color. If casein is digested, the milk will coagulate to form a curd (a solid). Casein may be metabolized all the way down to individual amino acids. This process, called peptonization, results in a clear (not milky) liquid that is usually brown in color. Finally, the litmus may be reduced and become colorless. The culture will then look milk white. Materials: 1. Litmus Milk Broth 2. Bunsen Burner 3. Inoculation Loop 4. Nutrient slant 5. Goggles 6. Lab Coat 7. Incubator Procedure: 1. Get an Inoculation loop and sterilize it using the Bunsen burner. 2. Take bacteria from your nutrient slant on inoculation loop 3. Inoculate a litmus milk tube with the bacteria. 4. Incubate for 72 hours; observe results every 24 hours for 3 days.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mass Media And The Fashion Magazine Media Essay

Mass Media And The Fashion Magazine Media Essay Fashion magazines are a printed periodical publication of articles which are often illustrated indicating the recent trends in the fashion industry depicting the latest models of clothing, perfumes and shoes indicating their current prices. They also features articles on holiday destination guides and celebrity styles, best buys of fashionable items and gift guides, the best fashion, beauty, shopping, health, runway slideshows, travel and culture trends as the main contents of fashion magazines. (Wales, 2010) Fashion magazines are normally produced at regular intervals and are one of the major media of mass information regarding the fashion industry. The general model of the magazine exerts a great influence among its readers as it indicates the various interests of different people and social classes hence greatly influencing fashion trends and fashion related purchasing patterns among various individuals and organizations, depicting how greatly fashion magazines influence the public opinion regarding fashion. These magazines enable individuals to examine events in a broad perspective and only to dwell on what is most important which is mostly done through illustrations which show case models, entertainers and public figures clad in the various models of clothes, shoes and cosmetics. Following a tremendous increase in the volume and complexity in the information produced by modern society, the role of the fashion magazine as a medium of presenting, analyzing and evaluating factual fashion material has increased significantly in the recent years. There were plenty of fashion magazines around the turn of the 19th century. With the French magazines making the most impact in the world of fashion, they acted as trendsetters to other fashion magazine publications. Following changes in technology, leisure, work, cultural and moral values lifestyle trends have been turn influencing the clothes we wear. The first fashion magazine to report on the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s fashion trends was the Le Mercure Galant whose name which refers to the god Mercury; messenger of the gods was founded in 1672 and produced in 1678 by the writer Jean Donneau de Vise. (Ellwood, 1999) This magazine indicates how the French invented fashion and glamour from back in the 17th century up to the early 19th century. The magazine was founded with its main objectives being to inform the well-to-do society about life in the artistic and literally circles featuring developments in courts, theatrical and fashion reviews, songs and news on the latest gossip on marriages and other major social events. Its publication stopped in 1674, but in 1677 its publication started once again with the magazineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s name being changed to Nouveau Mercure galant which was a monthly issue as opposed to its earlier version the Le Mercure Galant which appeared irregularly. This magazine played a major role in the propagation of news on luxury goods, court life and fashion at the time both locally and overseas. In the 1724 the title of the Nouveau Mercure gallant was changed to Mercure de France which became the overt trendsetter of French arts and humanities as it played a major role in the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Quarrel of the Ancients and the Modernsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , a debate on whether the arts and literature of the 17th century had achieved more than the illustrious writers and artists of antiquity. Hence gaining it the title of the most important literary journal in prerevolutionary France. . But during the revolutionary era its title was temporarily changed to le Mercure Francais. In 1811 its publication was stopped with the review being resurrected in 1815 and being published last in 1825. Providing a fashion magazine entails undertaking a very detailed research in order to assess the prevailing mood of a particular season and also so as to identify the trends to be photographed and articles to feature in a particular edition. Photos of galleries and runway shows and of gifts, holiday desti nations make up the larger part of fashion magazines. But in order to make those photos to look perfect they have to be edited which is normally carried out by fashion magazine editors. Hence the reason why most fashion editors use such publishing software such as adobe Photoshop to edit the photographs collected from their research. The process of producing a fashion magazine involves the following several steps. The first step requires an individual to come up with a concept of what to include in that particular fashion magazine. This is the initial stage before starting a fashion page. It involves planning the idea that one plans on putting on a page, which should be something that readers should enjoy seeing and finally buy. This should be done with considerations about the season and hence suggesting an appropriate fashion trend that will be fascinating to readers. The second step involves gathering of the necessary prerequisite materials to be included in the fashion page .It in includes collecting and assembling articles and photos from the research carried out earlier on; that one would want to include in the fashion magazine. Photos should be of high resolution and need to be edited by cropping and resizing before being saved on file. Articles should be in PDF or word format while photos being in picture extensions like jpeg or bmp. Creating of pages is the stage that follows. It involves use of publishing software like Adobe Photoshop. Through which a new file is created which now becomes the new field on which the fashion page will be created and designed with the name of a particular page being written in the name slot. The page can be preset by changing the background to a different colour to make it more attractive and presentable. The fourth stage involves placing of the selected images in the page created. This step involves placing the selected photos in the page created. Editing of images with the designated photo on the fashion page is the fifth stage. It involves changing the effects of the photos uploaded by moving it to the desired place and design by adjusting it to the desired size. This requires great creativity and imagination in order to come up with a superbly attractive fashion page. The sixth step is inserting of text or captions alongside the photos that have been placed on the page and with this the page design is finished. After which the page is saved prior to printing. Printing the fashion pages is the final stage of preparing a fashion magazine. The already saved fashion pages are printed with an overview of how the pages being printed will look like. Vogue is the most popular fashion magazine as of now. It was founded in 1892 by Arthur Baldwin Turnure as a bimonthly publication. The magazine focused mainly on fashion trends during that period but it also featured columns on sexuality. In 1973, the magazine underwent some extensive editorial and stylistic transformation as a response to changes in the lifestyle of the target audience. Nowadays, the most profitable and biggest fashion magazine company is still the Vogue magazine. This is due to the fact that it showcases unique models which attracts many customers and is also one of the magazines that most readers vote as the best as it covers a wide range of fashion products. There exists a deep relationship between mass media and the fashion magazine. With fashion magazines being an important media of mass information they exert a great influence among its readers. For the readers with trendy fashion ideas, they can use fashion magazines to learn about new collections being delivered by fashion designers. This could play to their advantage as such readers will get to read about such collections even before they actually get to the fashion malls. Fashion magazines are primarily published to give its readers ideas on how to improve their sense of fashion, improve their careers, health and finances. When it comes to the fashion advice sections, they have photos as well as back up articles that help both men and women visualize what their fashion suggestions are Through the editorial and mail box columns. Fashion magazines can be educational in terms of fashion and lifestyle in that fashion experts give responses on questions posted by readers for clarification. Hence through such replies fashion magazine readers can gain a lot of expertise regarding fashion trends. From fashion magazines you will also learn about the fashionable items that best suit your body type. Through the different clothing styles displayed in the magazines Through fashion magazines, readers get to know about colour combinations that actually match their skin colour and body shape. Since clothing is an instrument that we can use to highlight our good features and hence boosting our morale either at places of work or even at social gatherings. Fashion magazines use attractive online advertisement networks to attract more readers. Using the website, Fashion magazine editors can upload photos that would attract most people who visit the site. The fact that these magazines are colourful is one of the major reasons why most individuals end up reading fashion magazines. Offering the magazine either as a periodical or monthly issue ensures that readers develop a trend of waiting for the next edition to be released so as to buy it. As these magazines contain a variety of general articles, interviews by designers or fashion freaks, help columns for assistance to the readers on discounted stores where they can get those products. Charging a normal price for a magazine makes it more attractive, as it tires to cater for all classes of people in society. This way a magazine records more sales and is greatly appreciated by most people. Most fashion magazines consist of five parts on average with some having an extra part for exclusives. These parts are the cover page, cover story, editorial, mailbox, feature and the exclusive section. The cover page of the fashion magazine consists of both the front and back cover pages. These pages are generally the photos of top models or public figures clad in the most recent and fashionable clothes, shoes and cosmetics. The cover story section consists of a short article in the magazine whose subject matter appears in its front cover of the magazine. For the editorial section it is a letter from the senior editors of the fashion magazine to the readers congratulating them for sending in their comments, questions and more so for actually buying the magazine reflecting the opinion of the readers towards the magazine. The mailbox section consists of a subscription form for readers who would want the magazine mailed to their mail box. In the feature section, fashion reality shows w hich are one of the major parts of the fashion magazine are included. The exclusives section features those new releases in the world of fashion like cosmetics, clothes, iPods and other products. Providing a fashion magazine entails undertaking a very detailed research in order to assess the prevailing mood of a particular season and also so as to identify the trends to be photographed and articles to feature in a particular edition. Photos of galleries and runway shows and of gifts, holiday destinations make up the larger part of fashion magazines. However, in order to make those photos to look perfect they have to be edited which is normally carried out by fashion magazine editors. Hence the reason why most fashion editors use such publishing software such as adobe Photoshop to edit the photographs collected from their research.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Rate of Hydrolysis of Sucrose Essay -- Biology Science Experiments

The Rate of Hydrolysis of Sucrose Hypothesis - The digestion of sucrose into glucose and fructose is carried out by the presence of the enzyme Sucrase. The activity of the enzyme will be greatest at its optimum temperature since at this temperature the enzyme's tertiary structure will be correct to allow the formation of the substrate-enzyme complex quickly and efficiently. This should be at 37Â °C (body temperature), which is the temperature of the ileum where Sucrase is secreted and naturally functions. The first thing to say about enzymes is that they are proteins and they are found in all types of organisms from humans to viruses. They function in the body as catalysts. In other words they speed up the rate of chemical reactions in the body. Enzymes actually accelerate chemical reactions by a factor of about 1 million. Enzymes are organic catalysts. Without enzymes the metabolism of an organism would be too slow for the organism to survive. The word enzyme actually means "in yeast" as they were first discovered in these micro-organisms. Enzymes are found inside cells (intracellular) and outside cells (extra cellular). Intracellular enzymes are for example, those that control metabolism while extra cellular enzymes are for example, gut digestive juices and the enzymes secreted by bacteria, which digest their food outside the body then reabsorb the products. Enzymes work on particular organic chemicals, these are called substrates. So in effect food is the substrate of digestive enzymes. Each enzyme is specific to one or a group of particular substrates. The majority of the reactions that occur in living organisms are enzyme-controlled. Without enzymes toxins would soon build up and the supply of respiratory substrate would decrease. Enzymes are proteins and thus have a specific shape. They are therefore specific in the reactions that they catalyse - one enzyme will react with molecules of one substrate. The site of the reaction occurs in an area on the surface of the protein called the active site. Since the active site for all molecules of one enzyme will be made up of the same arrangement of amino acids, it has a highly specific shape. Generally, there is only one active site on each enzyme molecule and only one type of substrate molecule will fit into it. Lock and key hypothesis description of the specificity of t... ... well as this the final colour was defined. Results : my results from then on were much more reliable and the average was easier to plot on a graph drawing my expected curve. The first colour change was a loss of the base pink colour and the final colour change is a measurable blue. Throughout all these preliminary experiments and the final one all laboratory safety precautions will be observed. To check the reliability of my results I will take a mean average of all 3 experiments I finally did. Using the mean of all the experiments I then will work out the standard deviation of the primary colour change and the final colour change. On the graphs the X axis is numbered 1-6, this corresponds to the Sucrase Concentration 0.0%-2.5%. Below is the preliminary experiment graph for primary colour change at 0-5% solution. The line slopes down as the reaction time decreases in relation to the concentration. This was the graph of the preliminary experiment after making the changes due to evidence from preliminary experiment 1 and 2. Prediction: I predict that the higher the concentration the faster the reaction due to induced fit and lock and key hypothesis.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Ethical Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer File Swapping Essays -- File Sha

An Ethical Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer File Swapping Abstract The last few years has seen an explosion in the use of the Internet as a means for exchanging, free of charge, digital media by way of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing technologies. Initially, the practice was primarily limited to the swapping of music, in the form of MP3 files. The pervasiveness of broadband, the advent of newer file types, and the creation of more sophisticated technologies has subsequently made possible the exchange of other types as well – including movies, television shows and software. Again, for free. In this paper, we will explore the ethical considerations of this practice as it relates to Intellectual Property (IP) – whether protected by copyright law or not. We will concentrate primarily on music, but where appropriate, other media will be considered, as many of the issues are common across the different types. Taking a global perspective, one must keep in mind that the term â€Å"copyright† is not universally defined, accepted, or enforced. We must therefore use the term with the United State’s definition as a basis. However, absent U.S. law, we must also consider the creator’s intent as it relates to the distribution and use of his or her work. This exploration will lead us to a universal position – one that claims that the wide-scale, free exchange of Intellectual Property by means of P2P technology is unethical. The Technology The P2P model gained wide scale notoriety with the success of Napster in late 1999. Almost overnight, P2P and Napster became household words. There are essentially two variations of the P2P model – the Napster model and the Gnutella model. Both follow the fundamental principle of P2P sharing ... ... Article also available on the web at:,9171,1101030505-447204,00.html [10] Preston Carter – engineer at Hewlett-Packard – and a very insightful friend. References In addition to references cited above: Nolo Press, Nolo Law For All, Copyright Ownership: Who Owns What? Nolo Press, Nolo Law For All, Copyrighting Your Software – Why Bother? Nolo Press, Nolo Law For All, Copyright Protection: What It Is, How It Works

Friday, October 11, 2019

Samsung Corpotate Strategy

Samsung Company Overview Samsung Company is a world leader in digital technology innovation. Samsung believes in innovation and continue to look after the new technology to grow their business. I believed that company wanted to build a market in which customers are more loyal to the Samsung brand and trust in the name of Samsung. â€Å"SAMSUNG is dedicated to devel-oping innovative technologies and efficient processes that create new markets, enrich people's lives, and continue to make Samsung a digital leader† http://www. samsung. com/hk_en/images/aboutnew/corporateprofile/title_txt. if Samsung accomplished its success through the strategy of how to manage creativity, partnership with venders, and talent. Samsung is not only expanding in electronics but also expanding into other industries such as health care, medicine, and biotechnology. Samsung’s mission and vision will make Samsung a cutting edge company. I would say Samsung is the creator of the future of electroni cs. Samsung is among the world’s top five electronics brand and has $400 billion in revenue. The mission of the company explain everything â€Å"As stated in its new motto, Samsung Electronics' vision for the new decade is, â€Å"Inspire the World, Create the Future. This new vision reflects Samsung Electronics’ commitment to inspiring its communities by leveraging Samsung's three key strengths: â€Å"New Technology,† â€Å"Innovative Products,† and â€Å"Creative Solutions. † — and to promoting new value for Samsung's core networks — Industry, Partners, and Employees. Through these efforts, Samsung hopes to contribute to a better world and a richer experience for all† (http://www. samsung. com/us/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/vision. html) Micro and macro environment for Samsung globally Porter’s five forces: The Threats of new entrantsThere is always a potential threat for Samsung that a new company will enter into th e market. Most of the companies find outsourcing company in China and label its brand. Only thing they have to do is to formulate a marketing strategy and distribution channel. Today’s global economy is depended on China. China is called world’s factory. Most of the products are manufactured at very low cost in China. Electronic companies like HP, SONY, DeLL, Gateway, Apple, and many others used China’s manufacturing industry. So there is always a threat of new entrants into the electronics market. MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine electronics industry attracted $2. 477 billion in fresh investments in 2011, the highest ever, and the new projects are expected to generate an estimated $5 billion in additional export revenues annually once they go into full commercial operation† (http://www. abs-cbnnews. com/business/02/21/12/electronics-industry-attracts-24b-investment). The Bargaining Power of Buyers Electronic world is changing everyday and in th e market there are many types and many verities to pick one from. Even it’s very difficult for a customer to find the best one with very competing prices to each others.Most of the individuals are price sensitive they can check the prices on line and fine the cheapest price before making any decision. Institutional buyers are more quality sensitive than price. Most of the companies focus on corporate customers. There is a completion in the market. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers Intel is leading in microprocessors it provided 85% of CPU so the power of suppliers is high because of low number of competitors in the market. Different companies produce different kind of products. Hard disk producers are many in the market. The power of suppliers is quite low because of many competitors in the market.Threats of Substitutes In the changing technology world, there are many substitutes available to the customers to choose one. Companies like Samsung have to keep the quality and pri ce up to the customer expectation. Samsung should understand the need and demand and desire of each group of customer. Samsung interviewed customers to check the water. The Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors Samsung group has many competitors in the global electronic world. The brand name competitors of the Samsung are LG, SK, Matsushitsa, Micron, Sony, Apple, Kyobo Life Insurance, Meiji Life Insurance, Sumitomo Life Insurance, Hp, Dell.SWOT analysis of Samsung Strengths †¢Electronics Product line and investment in other industries such as life insurance and biotech etc. †¢Heavy investment into R and marketing strategies. Company has more than one dozen R centers around the world and its 138000 R team members are working hard for the company’s success. †¢Leader in electronics especially in cell phone and more or less 60 other products. For example DVD, Ac, LCD, and Refrigerators etc. †¢Supplier of HD, DRAM, SDRAM, Memory Sticks, and semiconductors. â⠂¬ ¢Decision making process of the company. †¢Samsung provide better guarantee and service than its competitors.Weakness †¢Some of the Samsung products are not user friendly. This factor is keeping Samsung behind in the Global electronics market. For instance there are many draw back in digital camera Samsung S860. First of all the lens of this camera turn off automatically after 30 seconds. †¢Company invested too much into the R but need to spend on marketing. †¢Competitors spent on advertisement heavily but Samsung can’t explain introduce its products via advertisements. †¢Need to improve the battery life of many of its products. Opportunities †¢Globally the demands for electronics are increasing quickly.In the digital world everyone like to have his or her own cell phone and a laptop. †¢Need more production according to the market. †¢Market share can be increased in ASEAN regions, it is increased by 32. 7% during the year 2006. †¢Cell phone market is very big and expanding by the time, this is the industry where Samsung should invest more. †¢Samsung has the competitive prices. The growing markets like India, China and Brazil are very price sensitive. Threats †¢Prices of the electronics are decreasing 10% annually that is a threat to most of the electronic manufacturer in the industry. †¢Entry of new products every day. Green products and environmentalists organizations. †¢Restrictions on usage of lead, cadmium, mercury and flame retardants products. †¢R need to pay attention while developing a new product previously Samsung paid $134 million Inter Digital because Samsung lost a patent dispute. Similarly Ericson filed a lawsuit against Samsung. †¢Counterfeiting products are the major problem for any company in the world. Duplicate product’s annually revenue is more or less U$500. †¢It’s always a threat when outsourcing any product to a country like China wher e law is not well implemented to protect the patent rights.Samsung and Business Environment of Canada Study shows that Canadian customers prefer a better quality than price. Customer demands better guarantees and return policies. Canadian population is considered one of the educated nations in the world. Canadians welcome new technologies and love to learn. Sony is the first one who invented color television, and played a leading role in the world of electronics. Most of the Canadians like Sony brand and pay the high price. Sony is very much dominated the Canadian market, the price is high and products have conventional design.Samsung can penetrate the market with better advance stylish designs and lower price and better guarantees. I believed that will take time to take over the Canadian market. â€Å"We’ve been No. 1 in TVs since 2006 in Canada,† Politeski says. â€Å"In Canadian living rooms, there are an awful lot of Samsung TVs. So the brand name — whether it’s on TVs or appliances or mobile phones, any of our product categories — continues to grow momentum, and consumers become more and more interested in it. How do you become No. 1 in any category? Attention to what the customer thinks is most important† (http://business. financialpost. om/2012/05/01/samsung-aims-to-dethrone-apple-in-smartphone-market/). With Sony Canadians have no other choice if SECA use a right marketing strategy it’s possible that Samsung can win people opinion and market share. SECA should carefully formulate strategy on the target market, segmentation and repositioning the product. SECA can use demographic segmentation and divide market into four groups. Low income families, group of people who are price sensitive. High income families, group of people who prefer quality over the price. Young generation group, who prefer new innovations and technology advancements.They buy products when it comes first in market and pay the full pric e. The old generation group those people buy when they need and are very price sensitive. Business user group those people are less price sensitive than quality, customized products and guarantees. Hobbyists is a group who like to buy new innovations which can satisfy their hobby quest. SECA can differentiate its products from others buy innovating user friendly and cost effective products for everyone. SECA should listen their corporate customers and customize their product according to their needs. â€Å"Canadian expansion strategy will be on full display.Following in the footsteps of rivals Sony and Apple, Samsung plans to open several stand-alone retail locations across the country, as the company attempts to strengthen its direct relationship with consumers† (http://business. financialpost. com). SECA should use 4P’s of marketing to achieve success in Canadian market. Product; brand strength could be achieved by producing better products and user friendly products . It could be done by producing stylish and durable cell phones, brighter and bigger flat screen TV’s, cost effective, energy efficient, durable AC, refrigerators, and other electrical home appliances.Place; Samsung should open its own retail stores across the country. Currently Samsung use distribution channels those are Best Buy, etc. Samsung should use online and on site distribution channels. Price; There are variance in the Samsung’s prices and discounts which creates confusion in the market. Samsung have to pay attention on the pricing strategy of its products. Promotion; Samsung should invest more in advertisement and promotion in Canada. With the help of advertisements a company conveys its message to the customers.A right advertisement and promotion would be a key to success in the Canadian market. Canada could be a tough market for Samsung if the company will not redesign its marketing strategy. Canadians are more loyal to SONY brand. To compete the electroni c giant like SONY, Samsung should adopt a better strategy that produce a better product, price, placement and promotion. Samsung Corporate and Global Strategy I agreed more or less with the Samsung’s corporate strategy and global strategy. There are few steps need to take in Samsung’s corporate and global strategy.I will discuss about why I like Samsung’s corporate and global strategy. Business Wire of Boston writes about Samsung that it took the 25% of the market share and was star performing during the first quarter of the year 2012. I believe that Samsung is doing something right at the corporate and global level the reason why company became the world’s number one had set vendor. â€Å"BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global handset shipments grew a modest 3 percent annually to reach 368 million units in the first quarter of 2012.Samsung was the star performer during the quarter, capturing a record 25 percent market share to become the world’s number one handset vendor for the first time ever† (http://www. businesswire. com). At first Samsung’s business model was to produce more mobile phone in number, they pay less attention to the quality. By the time Samsung decided that company should produce not only quantity but also better quality to compete in the global market. They accomplished this dream with their vision â€Å"Leading the Digital Convergence Revolution†(www. samsung. com).Chairman of the company Mr. Lee played a dynamic role in the success of Samsung. During the revolutionary strategic change in the company he said that we have to change everything only we will keep our children and wives. It sounds funny but the Chairman Lee changed everything in the company. The new strategy strived more on better look and quality than quantity. The design advisor Tom Hardy helped Mr. Lee’s vision to accomplish. Company’s designe rs had been sent to different fashion and design companies around the world to have a better perspective about the global design.Samsung took advantage from its design centers around the world and become a global electronics name that consumer trust and like. â€Å"If money was the answer to innovation then Samsung Electronics would certainly rank among the best in the world. Samsung spent 10 trillion won ($9 US billion) on research and development in 2011† (http://www. vancouversun. com) Samsung can produce in house semiconductors, LCD screens, and memory plant. This is the reason why company can independently, cost effectively, and